I have several moments in the past, where I never stood up for myself

Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

Be it an insult or unnecessary probing into my life, I never toed the line for any of my friends or relatives or anyone for that matter.

I must state that my intentions had nothing to do with the courage part, as I have always felt a kind of weird courage within me.

I can always speak my mind, under any circumstances, no matter who the opponent is. Even if it is the most powerful person on earth, no one can prevent me from voicing my opinion.So courage has never been the issue in my case.

I have always felt, by telling the opposite person, that I am hurt because of their actions or words, they would be hurt. I somehow never wanted to hurt anyone.

But if you ask me, “Haven’t you hurt anyone in your life?” My answer would be “Never intentionally”.

So in a nutshell, when someone hurts me, I never even told them that I am hurt. I chose to move away from that place.

But later on in life, I understood that the way in which I respect others, I need to give the same kind of respect to myself too which not only is my right but also my duty.

I am thankful that I was in the opposite space in the past for me to gain this clarity in life, and now I always standup for myself.

At present my self respect and self esteem I nurture much in the same way, I show respect to my fellow human beings and never fail in this prospect ever!

Nice day all!





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